Sunday, August 16, 2009

A bee in your bonnet!

I have been back at uni for a while now, it is all pretty crazy, must.. stay.. ahead of the game.

I am working on a few steamy steam-punk inspired pieces at the moment, and i am gearing up to do a market stall some time in the near future. The weather is starting to clear up- two weeks until beautiful spring!

So with this idea i was thinking of doing some scientific like drawings with pen on to leather, then making them look as if they were sepia and labelling them with their scientific genus- eg: the magpie would be Cracticus tibicen, of the corvid family-

and the bee would be Apis mellifera.

For a project at school I am doing some research on the history of perfume in the middle east. With this I have discovered a love for perfume, and the art of blending your own signature smell. It is because of this that I have spent a fair bit of money on obtaining beautiful essential oils from around Australia, and even looked into producing some of my own!
My project focuses around a piece of literature from a Muslim perfumer, and it is his words I have taken as inspiration for an exotic perfume I am working on.( that sounds so pretentious. ha!) The writing is called Attars Exordium, and is one of the most beautiful praises to a god I have read.- I will keep you up to date with this work in progress as time goes on.

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